ICMP and Traceroute passing through an ASA

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So I ran into another interesting problem today at work.  The solution was interesting to me so I thought I’d do a quick write up on it.  As many people know, firewalls (ASAs in particular) handle ICMP traffic a little differently than most would expect.  When doing a tracert from a linux box through a firewall I was something like this…

[root@CentosBox ~]# traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1  <removed Internal MLS> 0.471 ms  0.879 ms  1.061 ms
2  <removed ASA>  0.680 ms  1.340 ms  1.320 ms
3  * * *
4  * * *
5  * * *
6  * * *
7  * * *
8  * * *
9  vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net (  44.674 ms * *

What’s interesting here is that it started to miss hops in the middle, but then suddenly arrived at the destination and replied.  What confused me even more was that I could successfully ping  After reviewing the firewall I noted that ICMP inspection was enabled.  My thought with ICMP inspection was that it would inspect ICMP (traceroute included) and allow it out and back in.  After some further investigation I determined that this wasn’t the case. 

ICMP inspection allows a one to one connection.  That is, it allows one response for one request.  In addition, it apparently doesn’t play well with ICMP time-exceeded messages.  So now this makes sense.  The first couple of hops work but once I get past the firewall the time-exceeded messages don’t get allowed back in with the inspection.  To fix this, you need to explicitly allow it on the outside interface.  I added….

access-list inbound extended permit icmp any any

Or if you want to be more specific with it you could do…

access-list inbound extended permit icmp any any unreachable
access-list inbound extended permit icmp any any time-exceeded
access-list inbound extended permit icmp any any echo-reply

Once you add those, you should see…

[root@CentosBox ~]# traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1  <removed Internal MLS> 0.471 ms  0.879 ms  1.061 ms
2  <removed ASA>  0.680 ms  1.340 ms  1.320 ms
3 (  15.812 ms  16.264 ms  16.243 ms
4  <removed hop>  17.192 ms  17.173 ms  17.172 ms
5  <removed hop>  16.126 ms  17.095 ms  17.080 ms
6  <removed hop>  19.412 ms  17.651 ms  17.586 ms
7  <removed hop> 33.128 ms  32.470 ms  32.329 ms
8 (  35.257 ms  76.288 ms  76.307 ms
9  vlan51.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net (  35.666 ms  36.134 ms  35.172 ms
10  ae-2-2.ebr2.Dallas1.Level3.net (  48.745 ms  49.005 ms  48.986 ms
11  ae-92-92.csw4.Dallas1.Level3.net (  47.844 ms  46.955 ms  46.828 ms
12  ae-41-90.car1.Dallas1.Level3.net (  74.307 ms  73.806 ms  73.662 ms
13  vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net (  45.573 ms  44.733 ms  41.836 ms
[root@CentosBox ~]#

So that was the fix.  There are a couple of other commands I added to make traceroute through the ASA seem more normal…

Allows the ASA to show as a hop and decrement the TTL
policy-map global_policy
   class class-default
      set connection decrement-ttl
Allows the ASA to respond with traceroute statistics when it’s on its hop.
icmp unreachable rate-limit 10 burst-size 5

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