Some of you might have noticed that a month or so ago I started talking about QOS and then abruptly stopped. I guess I should have explained myself then, but for some reason I didn’t. I realized that I was taking a BGP class through work and it was coming up fast, so I put QOS on the back burner and started in on BGP studies. A couple weeks of studying plus a week in class and today I took and passed the Cisco BGP test. One down, two more to go on my quest to CCIP. Since BGP is so closely related to MPLS I’m thinking I might tackle that next, and then head back to QOS to wrap things up. I’m not 100% sure at this point but I should know in the next week or so. I’m also thinking about getting a F5 cert so that might slow me down even further. We’ll see what happens, but I’ll try not to run off on tangents any more 🙂