I’ve been struggling to find a way to memorize some of the key definitions for the CCIE written. I had initially thought about generating an actual work sheet that I could print out and and fill in once a day. After messing around in excel trying to do that for a few hours (and getting frustrated doing so) I decided to google and see what others were doing. Enter StudyBlue…
I’ve only just started to use it but this seems like a really slick site! It’s free AND they have an awesome iPhone app. Check this out…
So you give each card a thumbs up or down after you review it and then it tracks how many you’ve answered correctly/incorrectly. The actual card view is easy to use and read…
You just tap the card or the circular arrows to flip back and forth between question and answer. I just started using it but this really seems like the way to go.
I’m going to try and go through the deck at least once a day so we’ll see how it goes.
Interesting – personally I’m studying for my CCNP and using Anki ( http://ankisrs.net) which has a lot of features in common.
Looks like a good site as well! Thanks for the comment!