Finding ASA OIDs

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I’m going to talk about this in much greater detail in the next post but I just wanted to get this command out here on the blog so I don’t forget it : )

When you are querying a device via SNMP for information, you need the OID (Object ID) for the piece of information you are looking for.  An OID looks something like this…..

Cisco has a wonderful online tool that allows you to look up MIB (Management Information Base) files and OIDs, but I just wanted a quick list of what was available for OIDs on the ASA.  Some quick googling came back with minimal results and I spent a great deal of time looking for really simple OIDs.  Finally, I found this command hidden deep within a Cisco SNMP document for the ASA.

‘show snmp-server oidlist’


How convenient!  As you can see, it lists the OID with the associated text description.  The crazy part about this command?……


Its undocumented in the code!  At any rate, I thought this was a great find.  Look for more on SNMP and Linux plug-ins for monitoring coming soon!

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